Hiroshi Tanaka

Киев ұлттық құрылыс және сәулет университетінің құрметті профессоры, JPMF негізін қалаушы және президенті, GPMF ұйымдастыру комитетінің мүшесі, AIPM (Австралия), SOVNET, PMCC, PMP мүшесі, Жапония, Украина.

ID ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2631-721X

Кәсіби (ғылыми) қызығушылықтары: мұнай, табиғи газ және химия саласындағы жобаларды басқару, инновациялық жобаларды басқару, тұрақты даму бағдарламаларын басқару, салыстырмалы жобаларды басқару

Таңдаулы басылымдары:

  1. Tanaka, H.  & Bushuyev, S. (2021). Project management in the global oil and gas industry – a constellation of stakeholders co-creating strategic value for the industry. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, Volume 6, June 2021, pp 59-75. DOI: 10.37943/AITU.2021.16.52.006
  2. Bushuyev, S, Bushuiyeva, V. & Tanaka, H. (2021). Modelling agile-transformation organizational development portfolio. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University. Volume 7, 2021. DOI: 10.37943/AITU.2021.81.99.003
  3. Tanaka, H. (2021). Phronetic project management leadership – six critical messages to the project management community at the 40th-year milestone with IPMA – the openng keynote. The Proceedings (Scientific) of 32nd International Project Management Association World Congress held on September 21st to 23rd in St.Pertursburg, Russia (under printing)
  4. Tanaka, H. (2016). Service science empowered program management – marrying social science with program management for service innovation. Proceedings of First International Conference on Innovation Studies: Beijing. Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management
  5. Shafirov, L. & Tanaka, H. (2017) A conceptual scientific approach to local economic development by way of portfolios of projectized household asset building activities — a case of depressed Russian Monotown. IEEE Digital Library – 30th World Congress. International Project Management Association, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 2017
  6. Zheng, M. & Tanaka, H. (2017). Impact of Chinese Confucian cultural value on management and employee performance in China’s service industry: A case study of service innovation under program management environment. IEEE Digital Library – 30th World Congress. International Project Management Association, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 2017