Dmytro Dosyn

Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Scopus h-index: 14

Web of Science h-index: 6


Scientific interests: System analysis, artificial intelligence, knowledge discovery, natural language processing

Selected publications:

1. Lytvyn V., Vysotska V., Dosyn D., Burov Y. Method for ontology content and structure optimization, provided by a weighted conceptual graph // Webology. – 2018. – Vol. 15, iss. 2. – P. 66–85.
2. Kuryliak, Y., Emmerich, M., Dosyn, D.
On the effect of complex network topology in managing epidemic outbreaks
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021, 2917, pp. 1–15
3. Висоцька В. А. Методи та засоби функціонування систем підтримки прийняття рішень на основі онтологій: монографія / В. А. Висоцька, Д. Г. Досин, Х. І. Микіч, І. І. Завущак, З. Л. Рибчак. – Львів: Новий Світ-2000, 2019. – 334 c.
4. Досин Д.Г., Литвин В.В. Моделі та методи визначення корисності онтологічних знань: Монографія. – Львів: Видавництво «Новий світ – 2000», 2021. – 251 с.
5. Albota S., Peleshchyshyn A., Dosyn D. Linguistic traces of psychological manipulations in discussions of Wikipedia talk pages. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2019. Vol. 2386 :  Workshop of the 8th Intern. conf. on «Mathematics. Information technologies. Education»: Modern machine learning technologies and data science, MoMLeT and DS 2019, 2 — 4 June 2019. P. 183–193
6. Perkhach R.-Y., Kysil D., Dosyn D., Zavuschak I., Kis Y., Hrendus M., Vasyliuk A., Sadova M., Prodanyuk M. Method of structural semantic analysis of dental terms in the instructions for medical preparations. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020. Vol. 2604 : Proc. of the 4th Intern. conf. on computational linguistics and intelligent systems (COLINS 2020), Lviv, Ukraine, Apr. 23–24, 2020. Vol. I : main conf.. P. 662–669.
7. Shu C., Dosyn D., Lytvyn V., Vysotska V., Sachenko A., Jun S. Building of the predicate recognition system for the NLP ontology learning module. 10th IEEE International conference on intelligent data acquisition and advanced computing systems: technology and applications, IDAACS 2019 : proc., Metz, France, 18 — 21  Sept. 2019. Vol. 2. P. 802–808.
8. Levchenko O., Romanyshyn N., Dosyn D. Method of automated identification of metaphoric meaning in adjective + noun word combinations (based on the Ukrainian language). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2019. Vol. 2386 : Workshop of the 8th Intern. conf. on «Mathematics. Information technologies. Education»: Modern machine learning technologies and data science, MoMLeT and DS 2019, 2 — 4 June 2019. P. 370–380.

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