Çetin Elmas
Doctor, Professor, Gazi University, Turkey
Çetin ELMAS (0000-0001-9472-2327) (orcid.org)
Professional (scientific) interests: Artificial intelligence, project management
Selected publications:
Bulan› k Mant› k Denetleyiciler* Ç Elmas — Sekin Yaynclk, AnkaraEl-Shafie A, Taha MR, Noureldin …, 2003
Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller for SRM MA Akcayol — Advances in Engineering software, 2004
Genetic PI based model and path tracking control of four traction electrical vehicle, Dogan, M.U., Guvenc, U., Elmas, C., Electrical Engineering , 2020, 102(4), pp. 2059–2073
Emotional infection of management infrastructure projects based on the agile transformation, Bushuyev, S., Bushuiev, D., Zaprivoda, A., Babayev, J., Elmas, Ç., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020, 2565, pp. 1–12