The Committee for Quality Assurance of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an agency that performs, within the competence of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, functions for the implementation of state policy in the field of education and science, as well as control and implementation functions in the field referred to its competence.

The Kazakhstan Citation Database is an information system containing a bibliographic description of articles and article references published in Kazakhstani scientific journals, written and designed in accordance with current standards (GOST 7.5-98, GOST 7.1-2003).

Association of scholarly publishers that develops shared infrastructure to support more effective scholarly communications. The citation-linking network today covers over 68 million journal articles and other content items (books chapters, data, theses, technical reports) from thousands of scholarly and professional publishers around the globe.

Index Copernicus – international indexing database of scientific journals, within which annually, for almost 20 years, the declared periodicals are evaluated. The condition for positive indexing is a positive result of a multidimensional parametric assessment based on more than 100 criteria.

A directory that offers open (free) access to more than 1500 scientific and academic journals in electronic format in all areas.

A service developed by the ISSN International Center in cooperation with the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO, which provides free access to the segment of the ISSN Register of open access scientific resources that have been registered there.

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine – an interdisciplinary search engine for scientific Internet resources created by the Bielefeld University Library in Bielefeld, Germany.

The EBSCO Discovery Service (EBSCO A-Z) is an integrated search system that uses fast, simple and multifunctional access to the entire information array with a single search interface.

COnnecting REpositories is a service provided by the Knowledge Media Institute [Wikidata] based at The Open University, United Kingdom.

The world’s largest interconnected dataset of research information.Dimensions is an integrated database that allows researchers to search and analyze grants, patents, clinical trials, policy documents, and publications.

European Reference Index for the Humanities nd Social sciences

ResearchGate is a European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators.

China National Knowledge Infrastructure – a regularly updated collection of Chinese periodicals covering a wide range of disciplines (medicine, philosophy, economics, management, law, etc.).

database of periodicals (popular and scientific journals) in all thematic areas. It is used by scientific institutions for conducting research work on the analysis of the world flow of serial publications, in reference and information work, and in compiling the input flow of periodicals and ongoing publications.

is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Released in beta in November 2004, the Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online academic journals and books, conference papers, theses and dissertations, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, and other scholarly literature, including court opinions and patents.

The General Impact Factor (GIF) and Universal Digital Object Information was founded by renowned scientist in 2012. The General Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the “average article” in a journal has been cited in a given period of time. The Universal Impact Factor is calculated by several scientific methods.

Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib) — it is a high standard open access indexing database for researchers and publishers. Research Bible can freely index journals, research papers, request articles, research positions.

WorldCat — the world’s largest network of library content and services. The WorldCat Libraries are designed to provide access to their resources on the Internet, where most people start their search for information. WorldCat.org allows you to search collections of libraries in your community and thousands of other libraries around the world.

Scilit — it is a centralized platform for all published scientific literature, articles with DOI or in PubMed are indexed within a few hours.

Neliti is a research repository that helps researchers and decision makers in Indonesia find research, data and evidence.

MIAR is a matrix of data from more than 100 international indexing and abstracting databases (citation, multidisciplinary or specialised databases) and journal repertoires, which is developed with the purpose of providing useful information for the identification of scientific journals and the analysis of their diffusion.

EuroPub is a comprehensive, multipurpose database covering scholarly literature, with indexed records from active, authoritative journals, and indexes articles from journals all over the world. The result is an exhaustive database that assists research in every field. Easy access to a vast database at one place, reduces searching and data reviewing time considerably and helps authors in preparing new articles to a great extent. EuroPub aims at increasing the visibility of open access scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact.

The German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) is one of the world’s largest databases for journals, newspapers, monographic series and other serial publications from all countries, in all languages, without time restrictions, in printed, electronic or digitised form.
The participation is free of charge and open for all libraries and institutions. Currently more than 3.700 libraries in Germany and Austria catalogue serial titles and local holdings information in the ZDB.

The national open access platform (AccessON) supports researchers in Korea to conveniently search for open access papers from around the world in one place and to use the original text free of charge.